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Extinction Rebellion DC - Educational Fund

Washington, District of Columbia

The purpose of the Extinction Rebellion DC - Educational Fund is to provide research, education and training in support of nonviolent, grassroots organizations and groups that are addressing the climate emergency. We take our name from the Sixth Mass Extinction which the Earth is now experiencing and which is substantially attributable to climate change. We seek to encourage the government and media to tell the truth about the climate crisis, to declare a climate emergency, to decarbonize the economy by 2025, and to seek a socially just transition to a new economy. We educate the public on these issues as well as on the larger issues of social, racial, gender, identity and all forms of justice. We support non-violent direct action as the most effective social change method and will educate widely on its usefulness.

Life on Earth is in crisis. Our climate is changing faster than scientists predicted and the stakes are high. Biodiversity loss. Crop failure. Social and ecological collapse. Mass extinction. We are running out of time, and our governments have failed to act. Extinction Rebellion was formed to fix this.

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